One of my all time favorite online places for crochet resources is If you haven't visited this site and you are a crocheter or it right now! You will fall down the rabbit hole of free patterns and amazing resources. But it's okay. You will be better for the adventure.
I've been a "raveler" since November 2011 and I can't tell you how many times I've gone to this awesome website for inspiration, desperate gift ideas and all kinds of patterns for all kinds of things. I love that I can type in a keyword or two and the powerful search tool in Ravelry comes back with all kinds of options.
My designer profile page makes it easy for fans and followers to find my stuff. It's also a great resource for me, since sometimes I need to go back to a pattern I created. I also really like that I can sell patterns via Ravelry's paid pattern store option. The interface is easy to use and if you are interested in making money from your pattern designs it's definitely worth checking out.
That's about all I've got time for today. I've got to get some serious laundry done, check on why my boys' are so quiet in their rooms, and get a bit of lesson planning done for school next week. As always, I'm delighted to bring you crochet inspiration and a bit of fun too! #rockthehook #crochetrochelle
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