
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Crocodile Stitch Bracelet

(This pattern originally appeared online at Copyrights have now reverted to me, the designer.)  
Fun, fast and fashionable – this crocodile stitch bracelet is perfect to accessorize your wardrobe.  Create this fun crocheted piece of jewelry and keep to show off or give as a gift to a friend.  Crochet one in any color or even ombre/variegated yarns for some real color pop.  Increase or decrease the number of crocodile stitches to crochet different sized bracelets.  They look snazzy on any wrist!

Add this pattern to your Ravelry Queue.
Size: Teen/Adult
Skill Level:  Easy
Materials: Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice in Fern

Hook size: H/5.00mm

Ch = chain
Sc = single crochet
Dc = double crochet

Gauge: 1 full crocodile stitch = 1 inch approx.

Chain 3.
croc croc croc
Croc 1: Dc in third ch from hook.  Ch 1. Dc around 1st dc, 5 times. Turn your work 90 degrees and dc around chain 3 length, 4 times. Ch 2, sc in center space. Ch 2.  This gives you one crocodile stitch.

croc croc croc
Croc 2: Dc in center space of previous crocodile stitch. Ch 1. Dc around 1st dc, 5 times. Turn your work 90 degrees and dc around chain 2 length, 4 times. Ch 2, sc in center space. Ch 2.  You should now have 2 crocodile stitches. 

Croc 3 – 9: Repeat Croc 2.
Croc 10: Dc in center space of previous crocodile stitch. Ch 1. Dc around 1st dc, 5 times. Turn your work 90 degrees and dc around chain 2 length, 4 times. Ch 2, sc in center space. Ch 10.  Join to center of crocodile stitch.  This gives you a nice loop to use to fasten your bracelet. 

To wear: Wrap your loop around the last crocodile stitch in the opposite end of the bracelet to fasten.

Don't forget to rock with me over at Facebook, Pinterest and on Ravelry.

Originally published at

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Survival Bracelet

(This pattern originally appeared online at Copyrights have now reverted to me, the designer.)  
Survival bracelets are fun and functional, not only as must-have survival gear, but also as fashion accent pieces.  Most tutorials for creating a survival bracelet include some elaborate knot-tying and finish pieces.  In an effort to create one for my husband, I came up with a crochet-friendly, simpler version. These make excellent gifts for guys, sports team fans and small stocking stuffers. They are also fairly quick to work up. I hope you enjoying creating and giving your crocheted survival bracelets.

Add this pattern to your Ravelry Queue.

Size: Teen/Adult
Skill Level:  Easy
Supplies:  Para cord (any color),

Hook size: N/9.00mm

CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet

Gauge: 3” = 5 single crochet

Leave about a 6” tail of Para cord for finishing.
CH 18, for a 9” bracelet.  (Other bracelet sizes: 14ch = 7”, 20ch = 10”).
Row 1: SC in third ch from hook, sc across to the end.  (16 sc)  Finish off.  Leave about 6” of tail for finishing.

To finish: take both tails together and tie a nice bulky knot close to the end.  Trim the tails, leaving about 1 – 2 inches from the knot.  Burn/singe each end of the tails to keep the Para cord from unraveling and to give your bracelet a finished look.

To wear, poke the knot through the extra ch space at the opposite end and it acts as a clasp for your bracelet.

7" bracelet = 8ft of Para cord approx.
9” bracelet = 10ft of Para cord approx.
10” bracelet = 11-12ft of Para cord approx.

Para cord can be found at some Army surplus stores, Outdoor Recreation/Camping Gear stores, and many places online. Craft stores like Michael's and Hobby Lobby are starting to carry Para cord as well. I have purchased some fun colors from online sources at very reasonable prices, (usually in bulk for the best price per foot.)  Try crocheting some in team colors, neon colors, and my personal favorite: pink!

Don't forget to rock with me over at Facebook, Pinterest and on Ravelry.

Originally published at

Monday, September 8, 2014

Crochet Symbols Chart

Hey Rockers,

I had to share this awesome crochet symbols chart with you. I found it over at Dabbles and Babbles and I have found it to be very helpful. Anytime I find a tool or chart this awesome I have to share it with my rockers and crochet friends.

Take a peak at the site because it's full of fun crafty ideas and the blog author also has a pretty Etsy shop too.

Rock the hook,

Don't forget to rock with me over at Facebook, Pinterest and on Ravelry

Or visit my Etsy shop:

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Etsy Shop Is Open For Biz!

Hey Rockers!

Guess who jumped on the band wagon and opened an Etsy shop? It's me! I'm super stoked about this new entrepreneurial adventure. What prompted the decision to open an Etsy Crochet Pattern Shop? 1. It's something I've been tossing around in my head for awhile and 2. I wasn't laid off from my day job as a content manager about four weeks ago.

You could say I'm much more inspired to get my little pattern boutique up and rolling, since losing my primary source of income. I've wanted to go rogue and self employed via crochet pattern design for awhile, now I just have extra motivation.

So, if you've got a few minutes and have an Etsy account, I wouldn't mind at all if you logged in and gave my shop a look-see. Maybe even favorite it? But only if you like what you see. No pressure. Serious. If you don't have an Etsy account, or have never shopped on Etsy...

I highly recommend you visit. Soon. Because there are huge amounts of cuteness and unique products just waiting for you to discover them. You can find everything from vintage lamps to wooden iPad stands. And everything in between. I also like to lurk on Etsy just to get inspiration for new ideas or designs for my crochet and painting. (Bet you didn't know I painted did you!)

Alright. I've plugged my new Etsy shop and imposed on your time long enough! Here's the url just in case it's easier for you to find:

Rock the hook,

Don't forget to rock with me over at Facebook, Pinterest and on Ravelry.